Biblio-Curiosa #6: Bad poetry (William Nathan Stedman), sick perversion among the upper classes (Ride The Nightmare byWard Greene), murder and madness in Sydney (Twisted Clay by Frank Walford) and the tragic story of Fergus Hume, who wrote one of the 19th century’s most successful detective novels, The Mystery Of A Hansom Cab. Yes, it’s another instalment in Chris Mikul’s endlessly fascinating series that covers the most obscure, bizarre books ever published. Thanks to Biblio-Curiosa, I now own my very own copy of Hume’s first and greatest book. Chris Mikul, PO Box K546, Haymarket, NSW, 1240, AUSTRALIA, [AUD$5/email for overseas prices, 48S, :60]
Unbelievably Bad#18: A Ross Radiation cover kicks off another fine effort from the UB crew. I didn’t get much out of most of the band interviews (as I’m just not into metal, hardcore or punk), but there was plenty of other grubby goodness to keep me satisfied. A comprehensive checklist on Chopper Read merch was informative and probably revealed waaaay too much about me. I have collected a disturbing amount of it over the years. His children’s book Hooky The Cripple is actually quite good, I liked The Smell Of Love CD (I wish I hadn’t given away my copy because it’s next to impossible to find nowadays), and Choppper Heavy was a surprisingly tasty dark beer. The Never Plead Guiltyboardgame was physically harmful (courtesy of the electric shocks administered to unlucky players), so I give Chopper credit for that – I sent my copy to a friend in Chicago. I never tried Chopper’s Nuts, which makes me sad. That said, the article forgot the Chopper Read bobble-head, which I bought in a toy shop in Parramatta, so that makes us even.
Unbelievably Bad, c/- Von Helle, 9 Ross Street, Dulwich Hill, NSW, 2203, AUSTRALIA [AUD$8 or e-mail for details if from overseas 68M :40]
Rojonekku Word Fighting Arts 3&4: #3 offers more thoughtful, poetic, dense thoughts and essays by West Virginian redneck philosophyer Raven. If you get into the rhythm of his beat-poet stylings, it is quite eloquent and beautiful, but it’s also hard work. #4 is more accessible as it’s short essays on his favourite songs playing on a mystical jukebox hooked up to a tree in Raven’s backyard. It’s strange, but it works. Each package I receive (they’re sent to me in lots of two) feature original haikus, which are the highlights for me.
Raven Mack, PO Box 270, Scottsville, VA, 24590, USA. [email for prices, 40S, hours…literally hours]
Long Gone Loser #15: Damo returns with tons of reviews and pix of all the good things in life. Y’know…Debbie Harry, Elvira, Rene Bond, punk rock bowling, France and Kitten Natividad! The zine’s highlight is a very funny piece on Damo’s teenage punk band Spiders In the Biscuit Jar. Part Unbelievably Bad, part Betty Paginated, all good. Welcome back, Damo.
Damien Hughes, PO box 411, Hahndorf, SA, 5245, AUSTRALIA.[email for prices, 24S, :40]
Stratu’s Diary Comix Nov. & Dec. 2015: The mad bastard finally did it! A year of diary comix detailing the day-to-day existence of the talented Sydney artist during 2015. Equal parts compelling and mundane, Stu’s yearlong project inspired me to do the same this year. The fact I could only manage two months before giving up shows how much dedication and commitment it takes to undertake such a huge project, so kudos to Stratu. It’s not for everybody and I agree with the criticism that perhaps it’s a little too superficial at times, but let’s be honest here: it’s Stratu’s diary comix and he can write about whatever the fuck he wants. Which he did. More power to him.
Stratu, PO Box 35, Marrickville, NSW, 2204, AUSTRALIA. [email for prices, 10M, :20]