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Some more zine reviews


Narcolepsy Press Review #7: Another great issue from Randy, focusing less on zine reviews this time and more on what music he’s been listening to, and books he’s read. Plus new celebrity hotties he’s discovered. There’s also cool art from his very talented daughter Tabitha. Randy’s a firm atheist, so Christians should be prepared to be offended by some content. Also if, like me, you think prisoners are worthless scumbags, you’ll want to skip his looooong letters section, which is filled with missives from them. Other than that, I love NPR to death. Randy Robbins, PO Box 17131, Anaheim, CA, 92817-7131, USA, narcolepsypresszine@hotmail.com[US$3/stamps/decent letter in the US/email for elsewhere, FTP, 32S, :20 (longer if you read the letters)]  – Dann Lennard

Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Aug. 29, 2011: Someone had to do it – the lead story this week is an in-depth history of the birth of Brazilian fighting style Vale Tudo, the spiritual ancestor of modern-day MMA. A well-written, fascinating article. It’s followed by all the usual wrestling and MMA news from around the world. Get this and you’ll know more than your friends when you’re talking rasslin’ or UFC in front of the TV. Dave Meltzer, PO Box 1228, Campbell, CA, 95009-1228, USA,  dave@wrestlingobserver.com, www.f4wonline.com [US$11 for four weekly issues in the US/check the site for other subscription prices, 20M, :90]  – Dann Lennard

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