Grunted Warning #18: A dramatic pic from the new Australian sex'n'violence-filled drama series Wentworth (a modern reworking of the 80s classic Prisoner) sets a great tone for the new issue. Inside, there are plenty of bizarre clippings, including a special "made in Japan" section. Art from Ryan Vella is the icing on the cake. Mind-blowing. Stratu, PO Box 35, Marrickville, NSW, 2204, AUSTRALIA;; [AUD$1/stamps/trade/cool letter or postcard, 12S, :15]
Grunted Warning #18: A dramatic pic from the new Australian sex'n'violence-filled drama series Wentworth (a modern reworking of the 80s classic Prisoner) sets a great tone for the new issue. Inside, there are plenty of bizarre clippings, including a special "made in Japan" section. Art from Ryan Vella is the icing on the cake. Mind-blowing. Stratu, PO Box 35, Marrickville, NSW, 2204, AUSTRALIA;; [AUD$1/stamps/trade/cool letter or postcard, 12S, :15]